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Benjamin Bouillé

IT consultant

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Set up the Back End app on OSx


Of course you play with the PIA Tool on your desktop as standalone or native application, to do so, please refere to the latest built from the CNIL website. For any other people interested to provide this tool in their company (or their consutling team) to enjoy the collaborative workflow, keep reading. This a serie of two posts to find out the main steps to get a full working version of the Back End and the Front End of PIA applications.

Prepare your environment


  1. Your computer is connected to the internet
  2. You’re testing the application in a development environment - NO PRODUCTION USE

Environment settings

The following configuration is used to review this application.

  1. OS : OSx 10.13.3
  2. Package manager : homebrew (download and install from :
  3. Ruby : (installation : $ brew install ruby)
  4. Rails : (installation : $ brew install rails)
  5. Postgres : postgresql-10.3.high_sierra (installation : $ brew install postgresql)

Database settings with Postgres

warning : the following settings are done with the current OSx user

Check postgres status (if any issue, please check homebrew doctor):

$ brew info postgres

Start the service for the first time:

$ brew services start postgresql

Set up the path to store the DB file system and the super user:

$ initdb /usr/local/var/postgres

Check your current user login in OSx:

$ whoami

Set your password with the psql tool:

$ psql

Run the \password command to set your password:

<login>=# \password
Enter new password:
Enter it again:

Exit from the psql interface with the command \q. Initiate the database with your username as DB name:

$ createdb <login>

Check that the DB is initiated correctly:

$ psql -l

Expected output:

                              List of databases
   Name    | Owner | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    | Access privileges
 <login>   |<login>| UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |

PIA back end installation

Let’s work in the local folder ~/app from now. Clone the pia-back repository from github:

$ git clone

Go to the pia-back folder:

$ cd pia-back

Change the local version to 1.6.0 using the tag:

$ git checkout tags/1.6.0

Copy the dabatabse settings template :

$ cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml

Fill the fields username and password with the PostgreSQL username and password created in the previous step. Copy the application settings template :

$ cp config/application.example.yml config/application.yml

Run the command rake secret and paste the secret key in the file to fill the key SECRET_KEY_BASE. Install all dependencies:

$ bundle install

Create database:

$ bin/rake db:create

Expected output:

Running via Spring preloader in process 83020
Created database 'pia_development'
Created database 'pia_test'

Create tables

$ bin/rake db:migrate

Run the test

$ bin/rake

Expected output:

Running via Spring preloader in process 83139
Run options: --seed 21410
# Running:
Finished in 0.890501s, 32.5659 runs/s, 44.9185 assertions/s.
29 runs, 40 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Run the application

Start the web server without option:

$ bin/rails s 

The application runs on this address : http://localhost:3000. To change IP and port, use the options -b to change the IP and -p to change the port, for example:

$ bin/rails s -b -p 8080

Well done the PIA back end is up and running. Check the next post to set up the Front End application here