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Benjamin Bouillé

IT consultant

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Assuming all the requirements must be installed before installing ‘cve-search’ on OSx 10.11.2.


$ brew install mongodb --with-openssl
$ brew install redis


Create folder for database

$ sudo mkdir /data
$ sudo mkdir /data/db

Set rights to folder dedicated to database

$ sudo chown snoop:staff /data/db


Get CVE search project

$ git clone
cd cve-search

Update the dependencies with pip3

$ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Start Redis server

$ redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf

Start MongoDB

$ mongod

Populate database

$ ./ -p
Database population started

Update CPE dictionary

$ ./
Preparing [##################################################] 107349/107349

Update CVE search DB

$ ./ -c
Preparing [##################################################] 56/56
Not modified